Pediatric Orthopedic and Rehabilitation

The Muma Children's Hospital at TGH provides compassionate and comprehensive care to children of all ages who deal with complex and uncomfortable musculoskeletal issues that affect their bones, joints and muscles.

Our experienced team includes board-certified physicians who specialize in pediatric orthopedic care, surgeons from numerous other specialties providing insight and physical and occupational therapists, ensuring growing children get the unique care they require.

Conditions that may warrant care from our physicians who specialize in pediatric orthopedic care include scoliosis, neuromuscular disorders, developmental hip dysplasia, limb deficiency and deformity, and osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease).

Pediatric Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Program combines cutting-edge technologies with multidisciplinary care that addresses medical, social, psychological and developmental needs to help our pediatric patients lead healthier and happier lives. Lots of fun can be had in the process. Our Children’s Hospital features a playroom, and our day hospital patients can enjoy play therapy while receiving care.