URGENT UPDATE: Due to a broadcast issue with Verizon, TGH is currently having trouble receiving incoming calls. If you have an emergency, please call 911. We encourage patients to use MyChart for any non-urgent communications. Our vendors are working diligently to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.

Employer Resources

 OneTGH Wellness Videos

OneTGH Employer Solutions is committed to ensuring your team is in excellent health and fully productive at work. In these quick wellness videos, our experts provide health and wellness resources to improve the overall well-being of your team members. Please share with your workforce to motivate them to take ownership of their health and become wellness champions of their own. Click to access our wellness videos

Improving Your Posture - Balance

OneTGH Employer Tools

TGH is committed to improving the health and well-being of your organization, one employee at a time. We consider it our responsibility to not only heal but to proactively improve the health of the Tampa Bay workforce. Good health can start with providing the right tools and meet employees in their workplaces. Below are tools to share with your workforce:

Cancer: Screenings and Programs

Can I Lower My Chances of Colon Cancer?

Colon Cancer Screening Options

OneTGH Colorectal Cancer Program

OneTGH Mammogram Program

Tools to Quit Smoking: Quit Kit


Musculoskeletal Health: Prevention and Management

Injury Prevention: Back Facts

Injury Prevention: Body Mechanics

Injury Prevention: Lifting Zones

Injury Prevention: Proper Posture

Injury Prevention: Pushing and Pulling

Injury Prevention: Standing and Posture

Injury Prevention: Stretching

Injury Prevention: Tips for Tasks

Office Ergonomics in 4 Simple Steps 

Ergonomic Chair Adjustments


Heart and Diabetes

Heart Month Tips

Heart Screenings


Mental Health: Articles and Resources

Behavioral Health Resource Guide

Behavioral Health Services Through TGH Virtual Health

Dealing with Stress

Four Ways to Develop a Healthy Mindset

Taking a Moment for Self-Care


Other Tools

Annual Physicals vs Biometric Screenings

COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Gatherings

Disabilities in Your Workforce: FAAST

Influenza Vaccination Awareness

Men's Health Month

New Year's Goals

Physical Activity for Treating Asthma and Allergies

Sleep Tools

Sleep Wellness