All contractors/vendors needing to affect the physical environment (i.e., penetrate fire/smoke walls or floors) are required to request an above ceiling permit in order to perform that type of work while on Tampa General Hospital (TGH) Facilities.
Each project manager/tech foreman or other TGH designee will be responsible for ensuring contractors/vendors are in compliance with the Above Ceiling Work Permit program when they are working on your projects. To request an above ceiling permit click here. If you need assistance or have any problems requesting a permit contact us at A response will be sent within 48 hours. Instructions and directions are available upon opening the link.
TGH uses STI as the product of choice to repair all of our penetrations. Any contractor or TGH team member looking to repair penetrations must have at least level I STI training. If contractor/vendor is subcontracting a business to repair penetrations the original contractor will be responsible to submit the proper documentation as aforementioned.