Gynecologic Cancer Center: Support Services

At Tampa General Hospital, we understand that gynecologic cancer affects many aspects of life for patients and their families, so cancer care must go well beyond diagnosis and treatment. To help meet any needs that may arise, we offer a comprehensive range of support services to patients throughout their care journey to recovery.

Our truly robust approach to gynecologic cancer treatment includes genetic risk counseling, palliative care, nutrition counseling, physical and occupational therapy, pain management, health psychology, social service networks, and financial support services among other resources. Dedicated nurse navigators also interact closely with patients to assist them through the care process, answering any questions, providing support and addressing any concerns along the way.

Our state-of-the-art patient navigation program has helped us establish relationships with local oncologists, radiologists and other physicians in the community. This allows us to develop personalized care plans and schedule appointments for patients who wish receive generalized care closer to their home and world-class surgical care at TGH.

Certain types of cancer run in families and we take the time to properly educate patients on their genetic risks. Plus, our gynecologic cancer experts lead clinical trials funded by the National Institutes of Health and publish findings frequently. Our program is at the forefront of research and development of potential treatment options.

Our treatment plans take a holistic approach that considers the patient as a whole by treating the mind, body and emotions as well as providing post-operative life care. As such, we offer palliative medicine to our patients. Our gynecology oncology program is the only one in Florida to offer this service. It allows us to help patients manage their symptoms of pain, nausea, depression and anxiety, and gives them the tools to enjoy an excellent quality of life.