URGENT UPDATE: Due to a broadcast issue with Verizon, TGH is currently having trouble receiving incoming calls. If you have an emergency, please call 911. We encourage patients to use MyChart for any non-urgent communications. Our vendors are working diligently to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.

REACHUP Programs Address Regional Health Equity Needs

A community-based nonprofit, REACHUP, Inc. (Respond, Educate, Advocate, & Collaborate for Health in Underserved Populations) advocates for and mobilizes resources to help communities achieve health equity and equality. REACHUP programs integrate the life course model, social determinants of health, and evidence-based best practices to provide impactful and innovative interventions that combat disproportionately high infant and maternal mortality rates in Hillsborough County.

REACHUP further supports the Tampa Bay region by hiring staff from local communities, partnering with community agencies and organizations, and collaborating with academic and health care institutions to forward public health policy initiatives.

Programs under the REACHUP umbrella include:

  • Doula services and lactation support/education
  • Health and wellness activities for relative caregivers
  • Enhanced prenatal care interventions for women with high-risk pregnancies (in partnership with TGH)
  • Education and prenatal support to reduce the rate of pre-term deliveries
  • Nurse home visiting for first-time moms and families
  • Healthy Start home visiting services for pregnant women and children under the age of 3
  • Stress management/stress reduction support groups for mothers and fathers
  • Services and curricula for fathers to build pro-fathering knowledge, attitudes, and skills and strengthen family and child well-being
  • Capacity building and leadership training initiatives


REACHUP’s Pregnancy Medical Home (PMH) program facilitates intake and screening of newly diagnosed obstetric patients through collaboration with prenatal health care providers/clinics across the county. The PMH team is comprised of maternal health nurse specialists and maternal health specialists who focus on patient-centered care, health risk assessment and reduction, psychosocial screenings, patient education, and positive pregnancy support. PMH also serves as a “hub” by coordinating support, resources, and referrals for additional services.


An evidence-based, community health program that serves first-time mothers and their families. Nurse-Family Partnership® helps mothers become better caretakers, improves healthy brain development and school readiness in children, prevents child abuse and neglect, strengthens and empowers families, and breaks the cycle of poverty. The program’s nurses are trained to educate and support expectant mothers throughout pregnancy until their children reach 2 years of age.


REACHUP’s community doula services address the birthing needs for people and families in Hillsborough County. A team of birth and perinatal wellness doulas provide educational, emotional, and physical support as early as 14 weeks into pregnancy and up to six months postpartum. The program’s highly skilled doulas offer a full range of services, including prenatal health coaching, labor and delivery support, infant care, and safety education, and perinatal mental health screenings. Also trained as certified lactation consultants, doulas at REACHUP provide breastfeeding/chestfeeding support during the critical postpartum period.


Comprised of multiple programs, the MIN is designed to bring men together to share and take advantage of opportunities that help them develop positive life skills to be better fathers and community members. These programs include:

24/7 Dad® Curriculum - This program helps men become more involved with their children or the children for whom they serve as father figures.

Case Coaching and Management - This service connects men with community resources based on a needs assessment.

T.E.A.M. DAD Fatherhood Initiative - This program offers individualized services to fathers that aim to increase participation in home-visiting services and strengthen family and child well-being. A father includes any father figure with an active role within the family unit of a Healthy Start-enrolled pregnant woman, infant, and/or child living in Hillsborough County.

Intergenerational Mentoring Group - Bringing generations of men together to support each other’s growth has proved to be effective in the community as well.

Affirming Fatherhood Conference - This program educates and inspires participants to support men’s journeys to positive presence in the lives of children, families and communities, with an annual sports theme as a conference backdrop.

Stress Group - This group addresses the sources, symptoms and coping mechanisms to manage everyday stresses.

Fathering in 15™ is an online learning experience.