URGENT UPDATE: Due to a broadcast issue with Verizon, TGH is currently having trouble receiving incoming calls. If you have an emergency, please call 911. We encourage patients to use MyChart for any non-urgent communications. Our vendors are working diligently to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.

Hispanic Kidney Transplant Program

At Tampa General, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care to patients undergoing kidney transplantation and understand an individualized approach is necessary for all patients. With any patient, the kidney transplantation process can seem stressful, especially if there is a language barrier.

To help create a clear and compassionate process for our Hispanic population, the TGH Transplant Institute features a bilingual team made up of surgeons, physicians, social workers, financial coordinators, and other support staff to smoothly navigate Spanish-speaking patients along their transplant journey. This culturally sensitive program starts with the transplant referral phase and continues through evaluation, transplant and post-transplant to ensure that Hispanic patients and their families feel as comfortable as possible.


Hispanic Kidney Transplant Program Patient Journey

Referral Phase

Our Spanish-speaking referral coordinator processes a patient’s kidney transplant referral and sends the referral to a Spanish-speaking finance representative and the pre-transplant coordinator for review.


Tampa General’s Transplant Institute experts hold a monthly Spanish-speaking roundtable that features multiple sessions. During each session, our transplant patient and their caregiver are shown an extensive educational presentation in Spanish covering deceased donor and living donor kidney transplantation. A Spanish-speaking provider is in attendance to answer any patient questions and following the educational sessions, the patient and caregiver meet with a pre-transplant coordinator and social worker.

Appointment with Nephrologist

Our transplant assistant calls the patient to schedule this appointment. On the day of the appointment, the patient is greeted at the clinic by a Spanish-speaking team member who will assist.

Appointment with Surgeon

Our team features a Spanish-speaking surgeon and Spanish-speaking translation line for the patient.

Testing for Transplant Evaluation

Our Spanish speaking pre-transplant coordinator orders necessary tests for a patient’s transplant evaluation. A transplant assistant schedules all necessary procedures and communicates with the patient.

Once the patient’s testing is complete, our Medical Review Board conducts the transplant evaluation.


Our Spanish-speaking waitlist coordinator communicates with the patient and provides updates throughout the waitlist process.

Waitlist Follow-Up Visit

While waiting on the transplant list a pre-transplant coordinator visits with the patient and is accompanied by an advanced practice provider.


Once an organ is available, our donor center contacts the patient with Spanish translation available.

Post-Transplant Care

Just like throughout the entire kidney transplant patient journey up to this point, Spanish-speaking team members and resources in Spanish are available to provide clear information for our patients and their families.

Hispanic Kidney Transplant Facts

4,212 – The number of kidney transplants performed nationally in 2020 on Hispanic patients, who represent the fourth-largest ethnic group of kidney transplant recipients in the United States since 1988. 
Source: U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN).

1.5 – Latin Americans are 1.5 times more likely than other races to have kidney failure, but less likely to receive a kidney transplant.
Source: Informate.org

Learn More at Infórmate.org

Hispanics/Latinos can get educational information about living kidney donation, treatment options, steps to becoming a living donor, risks and benefits of donating, cultural misconceptions and more by visiting www.informate.org.

This bilingual website informs and supports prospective donors, patients, family and friends about living kidney donation in a variety of ways with a goal of helping Hispanic/Latino families make more informed treatment decisions.