URGENT UPDATE: Due to a broadcast issue with Verizon, TGH is currently having trouble receiving incoming calls. If you have an emergency, please call 911. We encourage patients to use MyChart for any non-urgent communications. Our vendors are working diligently to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.

Parathyroid & Thyroid Conditions Treated

The TGH Parathyroid & Thyroid Institute specializes in the evaluation and surgical treatment of parathyroid and thyroid disorders.

The parathyroid is a tiny endocrine gland located adjacent to the thyroid in the neck. Everyone has four of them (very rarely five), and they all do one thing: regulate calcium levels in the blood. They do this by producing a parathyroid hormone (PTH). Parathyroid disorders are characterized by abnormal functioning of the parathyroid glands.

Conditions Treated Include: