Different Weight Loss Surgery Options at TGH that Meet Your Goals

Weight loss surgery has been around since the 1970s to help patients lose and keep off excessive weight. Today, there are several different types of surgical procedures available for weight loss, with the most common three being:

  • Roux-en-Y gastric bypass – A gastric bypass involves dividing the stomach into a small and large section. The small section remains attached to the esophagus, and the small intestine is rerouted to connect with the small portion of the stomach. The large section of the stomach, which does not receive food, is reconnected at a lower point in the small intestines to provide digestive hormones. This weight loss surgery results in an expected weight loss of 55-70 percent.
  • Sleeve gastrectomy – This surgery divides the stomach vertically to reduce its size. Then, the disconnected portion of the stomach, which contains hormones that stimulate hunger, is removed. Patients often experience fewer food cravings and can expect to lose 50-60 percent of excess body weight.

When considering these weight loss surgery options, it’s important to choose a facility that offers both short-term and long-term care to support a successful outcome. The TGH + USF Health Bariatric Center’s team of specialists including board certified physicians, surgeons, dietitians, and psychologists is available to provide comprehensive weight loss services. Our medical professionals help patients determine which surgical or non-surgical weight loss options best suit their needs, ensuring that each patient is educated and prepared for the surgery. TGH also provides long-term and post-operative care to help our patients achieve and maintain an improved quality of life through weight loss surgery.

Individuals interested in learning more about our bariatric surgery options and support can contact Tampa General Hospital at (813) 844-7473 or email bariatriccenter@tgh.org.