Transcarotid Artery Revascularization 

Transcarotid artery revascularization (TCAR) is a procedure to treat carotid artery disease and help prevent future strokes.  

Carotid artery disease occurs when fatty deposits (plaques) clog the blood vessels. These blockages limit blood flow and increase the risk of stroke. Transcarotid artery revascularization (TCAR) is designed to reduce the risk of stroke using the insertion of a stent (tiny tube).  

Conditions Treated

Transcarotid artery revascularization is a procedure used to treat carotid artery disease. Doctors may especially recommend this treatment option if you’re diagnosed with carotid artery disease and have additional risk factors, such as increased age or other medical conditions. 

Procedure Details 

During the TCAR procedure, a small incision is made at the neckline, just above the clavicle. A tube will then be placed directly into the carotid artery and connected to a system that will direct blood flow away from the brain. This will prevent any loose plaque from reaching the brain, protecting against embolism that could reach the brain and cause stroke. The filtered blood is then returned through a second catheter which flows into the upper leg. 

What to Expect 

TCAR surgery is a safe and effective way for patients with carotid artery disease to be treated. Benefits include: 

  • Smaller incisions 
  • Less recovery time
  • Shorter hospital stays 
  • Lower risk of nerve injuries 

However, like many procedures, TCAR has potential risks such as: 

  • Stroke, heart attack or death 
  • Damage to the carotid artery or cranial nerve 
  • Bleeding bruising or swelling at the access site 


TCAR surgery is a promising treatment and the stroke rates following the procedure were reported as low as 1.4% in trials. According to doctors, it’s a safer carotid stent procedure than anything previously offered. Tampa General Hospital’s vascular surgeons expertly perform this procedure for patients in need.