
The experts at Tampa General Hospital skillfully treat gynecomastia. U.S. News & World Report has repeatedly ranked Tampa General Hospital as the No. 1 hospital in Tampa Bay, and our industry-leading Breast Cancer Center is one of Florida’s highest volume programs for treating breast cancer patients requiring a hospital stay.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia (sometimes referred to as “gyno”) is a relatively common condition that occurs when breast gland tissue becomes enlarged in a boy or a man. While gynecomastia can affect males at any age, it often occurs during puberty.

Gynecomastia is typically benign (noncancerous) and studies haven’t shown a link between male breast enlargement and breast cancer. With that said, if you’re experiencing the symptoms of gynecomastia, a medical provider may order certain tests to rule out a potential breast cancer diagnosis.

Gynecomastia Causes

Gynecomastia has numerous potential causes, one of the most common being an imbalance between the male and female hormones (testosterone and estrogen, respectively). It can also be caused by:

  • An injury or trauma
  • Other medical conditions (including adrenal gland tumors, hypogonadism, kidney disease, liver disease, lung cancer, obesity, pituitary gland tumors, testicular cancer and thyroid disorders)
  • Certain medications (including antibiotics, antidepressants, cardiovascular medications, chemotherapy drugs, prostate cancer medications and ulcer medications)
  • Certain illegal substances (including anabolic steroids, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamines)

It’s important to note that in many cases, gynecomastia doesn’t have any known cause.

Gynecomastia Symptoms

The hallmark sign of gynecomastia is enlarged breasts in men or boys. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts and cause them to develop unevenly. In some cases, gynecomastia can cause pain or tenderness in the breasts, as well as nipple sensitivity.

Gynecomastia vs. Fat

Many men whose breasts become overdeveloped question whether the enlargement is due to gynecomastia or simply an accumulation of chest fat (sometimes referred to as “pseudogynecomastia”). Only a trained medical provider can accurately diagnose what’s causing your symptoms, so it’s important to promptly consult with a professional about any concerns you might have.

With that said, there are a few key differences between gynecomastia and fat. For example, when compared to gynecomastia, chest fat is:

  • Less rounded and defined, instead producing a saggy appearance
  • Softer to the touch
  • Less likely to cause chest pain and tenderness
  • More likely to resolve with weight loss

Gynecomastia Diagnosis

Medical providers can use a wide range of tests to diagnose gynecomastia, including:

  • Blood tests
  • Breast biopsies
  • Mammograms
  • Urine tests

Gynecomastia Pinch Test

Another method of diagnosing gynecomastia is the pinch test, the goal of which is to distinguish between gynecomastia and excess chest fat. Although it’s possible for you to perform the gynecomastia pinch test on yourself, you should still entrust your care to a qualified medical provider, as they’ll have a better idea of what to look for.

Your physician will likely ask you to lie on your back. Then, they’ll use their thumb and forefinger to squeeze the area around and under your nipple. If the area contains a disc-shaped mass of firm, rubbery, fibrous tissue, it may suggest that you have gynecomastia, especially if you experience undue pain or tenderness during the test. But if the area is soft and spongy, you’re more likely to have a buildup of chest fat.

Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia treatment will vary from one patient to another depending on numerous factors, including the individual’s age and overall health and the severity of their condition. At Tampa General Hospital, we excel at creating personalized care plans, so when you come to us for gynecomastia treatment, you can look forward to receiving customized care recommendations.

Gynecomastia Treatment Without Surgery

In some cases, gynecomastia resolves on its own over the course of months or years. When professional treatment is necessary, medical providers will generally first attempt to reduce the patient’s breast size using conservative (nonsurgical) techniques. This often involves addressing the underlying cause of the enlarged male breasts. For example, if gynecomastia has resulted from taking a certain type of medication, a provider may recommend stopping that medicine. Hormone therapy is also commonly used to treat gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia Surgery

If conservative treatment methods fail to provide relief from the symptoms of gynecomastia, a medical provider may recommend surgery. During this procedure, the surgeon will carefully remove excess tissue from the affected breast(s).

Gynecomastia Surgery Cost

The cost of gynecomastia surgery will vary from one patient to another depending on numerous factors, so if you’re considering undergoing this procedure, it’s important to get a customized estimate from your medical provider. With that said, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of gynecomastia surgery is $4,239, not including the operating room facilities, anesthesia and other associated expenses.

Gynecomastia Self-Care

If you think you might have gynecomastia, you should seek professional treatment, since only an experienced medical provider can accurately diagnose your condition and provide you with customized treatment recommendations. But in the time leading up to your appointment, there are certain steps you can take to help relieve your symptoms, including:

  • Eating a more nutritious diet
  • Exercising
  • Losing excess weight
  • Reducing your alcohol intake (if applicable)
  • Stopping your use of illegal substances (if applicable)

Expertly Treating Gynecomastia in Tampa Bay

If you’d like to consult with one of the specialists at Tampa General Hospital’s Breast Cancer Center about a suspected case of gynecomastia, contact us at (800) 844-4554 to schedule an appointment.