Adult Hypospadias 

Hypospadias is a congenital condition in which the penile urethra does not reach the end of the penis. Although it is a condition found in children, you may still suffer from hypospadias as an adult if you’ve never undergone corrective surgery or if you’re experiencing complications from repairs made when you were a child. This is referred to as adult hypospadias. 

What Causes Hypospadias? 

Hypospadias occurs due to a malfunction in the hormones that are responsible for developing the urethra and foreskin. Factors that can put males at greater risk of suffering from hypospadias include: 

  • Genetics 
  • Family history 
  • Mothers giving birth at the age of 35 or older 

Although cases of hypospadias have been proven to be the result of genetics, in most instances the condition is idiopathic—occurring spontaneously and without a specific cause.  

What Are the Symptoms of Adult Hypospadias? 

Patients who suffered from hypospadias as children may still experience complications as adults. Long-lasting effects experienced in adulthood may include: 

  • An opening of the urethra that falls short of the end of the penis 
  • A downward curved shape of the penis 
  • Irregular spraying during urination 
  • Complications with urinating Scarred or missing tissue as a result of numerous surgical procedures during childhood 
  • Continued urinary infections 
  • Irregular appearance of the penis due to only half of the penis being covered by foreskin, referred to as a dorsal hood 

Hypospadias can be present for several years or last the duration of a patient’s life. 

How Is Hypospadias Diagnosed? 

Although hypospadias is often detected at birth, adults suffering from long-lasting effects of hypospadias can be diagnosed based on a physical examination performed by a healthcare provider. 

How Is Hypospadias Treated in Adults? 

Patients who experience complications after an initial repair of hypospadias usually require further treatment in adulthood. The urologists at Tampa General Hospital specialize in providing expert treatment for adults suffering from hypospadias. Treatment may include surgery to reposition the urethra and straighten the shaft of the penis. For patients who have undergone multiple failed surgeries as children, reconstructive surgery intended to repair the absence of local skin may be recommended.